- belemnoid
- остроконечный; шиповидный* * *• остроконечный• шиловидный
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
belemnoid — or belemnite Member of an extinct group of cephalopods, possessing a large internal shell, that first appeared с 345 million years ago, in the Early Carboniferous Period, and became extinct during the Eocene Epoch, which ended с 36. 6 million… … Universalium
belemnoid — adj. [Gr. belemnon, javelin; eidos, form] Dartlike in shape … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
belemnoid — Dart shaped. [G. belemnon, a dart, + eidos, resemblance] * * * bel·em·noid bel əm .nȯid, bə lem adj shaped like a dart … Medical dictionary
belemnoid — shaped like a dart Shapes and Resemblance … Phrontistery dictionary
belemnoid — bel·em·noid … English syllables
belemnoid — a. dart shaped … Dictionary of difficult words
belemnoid — I. ˈbeləmˌnȯid, bə̇ˈlem adjective Etymology: Greek belemnon dart + English oid 1. : shaped like a dart 2. [New Latin Belemnoidea] : of, relating to, or like the Belemnoidea II … Useful english dictionary
belemnoid process — noun : styloid process … Useful english dictionary
Cretaceous Period — Interval of geologic time from с 144 to 65 million years ago. During the Cretaceous the climate was warmer than today. In the seas, marine invertebrates flourished, and bony fishes evolved. On land, flowering plants arose, and insects, bees in… … Universalium
Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology — The Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology (or TIP) published by the Geological Society of America and the University of Kansas Press, is a definitive multi authored work of some 50 volumes, written by more than 300 paleontologists, and covering… … Wikipedia
Aulacocerida — Taxobox name = Aulacocerida regnum = Animalia phylum = Mollusca classis = Cephalopoda subclassis = Coleoidea unranked ordo = Cohort †Belemnoidea ordo = †Aulacocerida ordo authority= Stolley, 1919 subdivision ranks = Families subdivision =… … Wikipedia